SET Happy Money Application, Money Management Assistant To create savings for every goal in life Outstanding with functions that will make your financial life easier
Income - Expenses :
• Record income and expenses. To track daily spending habits, monthly and yearly
• Set a budget to control daily spending.
• Revenue classification In order to analyze the source and consistency of income
• Cost classification To analyze which types of expenses should be adjusted each month
• Balance summary To see skill in managing income and expenses each month
• Record current assets and liabilities In order to know whether the financial status is positive or negative Can update both monthly and yearly data
• Asset classification In order to analyze and plan asset management so as to generate additional revenue or reduce debt burden
• Debt classification To analyze and prioritize debt management
• Compare past and present financial positions. To see whether the change has increased or decreased Both monthly and yearly
Analyze the results:
• Financial health analysis To find current financial strengths and weaknesses
• Summary of recommendations for financial planning in various areas such as liquidity management Debt settlement Saving and investment etc.
Overview :
• Summarize important financial information on one page, such as expenses for the past 7 days, the proportion of monthly expenses Latest assets and liabilities etc.
There are also interesting functions, such as setting savings goals and tracking progress. Setting budgets to control expenses each month. Setting an expense bill warning Links to knowledge sources, finance, investments, etc.